Back Pain and Weight Loss Myths

Weight loss is perhaps the single most important contributor to long-term back pain relief. We rarely if ever see a patient with chronic low back pain of non-traumatic origin that is not significantly overweight, and we have literally never had a patient who lost a significant amount of weight report that their weight loss did […]

Why Evansville Chiropractor Dr. Eric Mitz Recommends a Daily Multivitamin

The simple and inexpensive multivitamin has been vindicated, in a recent study. Multivitamins are known to reduce your risk of cancer and other diseases and disorders. In fact, if everyone took daily multivitamins it would save an estimated 48,000 lives per year! Read the details of the study in the article, Daily Multivitamins Reduce Cancer […]

Three Simple Food Rules Every Pregnant Woman Should Know

Expectant mothers are often bewildered by the myriad of nutritional advice shoved at them from all corners. Although most of the advice given is harmless, we think there is a risk of information overload and a tendency to just simply continue eating as usual. But, by simply following a few simple tips, most women can […]

Piceatannol: The Answer to the Obesity Epidemic?

Forgive the hyperbole of the title, but this compound is truly one of the most realistic hopes we have, outside of diet/exercise, of exogenously treating obesity — and it is a naturally occurring compound. Piceatannol is a compound similar in structure to, and a metabolite of, Resveratrol. Resveratrol is a compound found in grapes, red wine, purple grape […]

WHEN You Eat May Be More Important Than WHAT You Eat

If you are of a certain age then you most assuredly recall either your grandparents or parents starting off most days with a ham/bacon/egg breakfast loaded with saturated fats, triglycerides, and cholesterol. Since the federal government (via the USDA and their vile “Food Pyramid”) indicted these components as factors for heart disease, most Americans now […]

Are You Getting Enough Vitamin D?

We’ve had several patients ask for our opinion on the US government report on Vitamin D and Calcium supplementation. We understand why this issue is so confusing for so many of our patients — heck, most docs are not even entirely clear on the why and how of Vitamin D and Calcium supplementation. This article, […]

60 Minutes On “Is Sugar Toxic?”

There is a great quick read over at the “60 Minutes” website that is titled “Is Sugar Toxic“. Some of the more interesting points from the article: Even though high fructose corn syrup has been recently linked to several diseases. There is metabolically no difference between HFCS and regular old table sugar or sucrose. In […]

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